Colorado’s new Civil Union law goes into effect in less than forty-eight hours and there is an almost palpable air of excitement. Colorado’s LGBT community will finally have at least some legal recognition as well as legal rights, responsibilities and protections...
Protecting You, Your Family, And The Life You Worked Hard To Build
Supreme Court Prop 8 Oral Arguments – Extensive Analysis
The dust has settled on the Prop 8 oral arguments and many have written and rewritten their predictions. Using oral arguments to predict a ruling from the United States Supreme Court is questionable, at best. Among other things, Justices tend to play devil’s...
Colorado Civil Unions Presentations – On Video
© jalcaraz – The Colorado Civil Union Act goes into effect (mostly) on May 1, 2013. In fact, some of the Colorado County Clerks have announced that their offices will be open at 12:01 a.m. on May 1st to begin issuing Civil Union licenses to couples. Both...
Supreme Court Oral Argument in DOMA case – full transcript and link to audio
This morning the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in United States v. Windsor, Case No. 12-307. In this case, Edie Windsor is challenging the constitutionality of the “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA), a federal statute that defines marriage for all federal purposes...
Supreme Court Oral Argument in Prop 8 case – full transcript and link to audio
This morning the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Hollingsworth v. Perry, Case No. 12-144. In Hollingsworth, Respondents are challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the voter passed initiative ending same-sex marriages in California. Proposition 8...
Colorado Division of Insurance Addresses Sexual Orientation Discrimination
On March 19, 2013, the Colorado Division of Health Insurance released a bulletin declaring that Colorado insurers are prohibited from discriminating based on sexual orientation, this includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender. The Division...
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the New Colorado Civil Unions Act
© jalcaraz – Colorado’s legislature passed the Colorado Civil Unions Act (SB 2013-11) today, March 12, 2013. Governor Hickenlooper will be signing the bill on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at the Colorado History Museum at 3 p.m. The law will be effective May...
Colorado Supreme Court to live stream oral arguments in Lobato, et. al. v. State of Colorado regarding State’s educational funding
The Colorado Supreme Court has announced that it will live stream the oral arguments in Lobato, et. al., v. State of Colorado tomorrow, Thursday, March 7, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. The Court explained that it agreed to the unusual procedure because demand for...
Update on briefs filed in DOMA and Prop 8 cases
As the arguments set before the Supreme Court approach in both the DOMA and Prop 8 cases, several parties have filed amicus curiae briefs urging the Court to strike down both laws. Notably, a group of 75 Republicans filed an amicus brief arguing that Prop 8 violated...
U.S. State Department releases an LGBT Travel Advisory with detailed advice for safe international travel
The U.S. Department of State (“State Dept.”) recently held a roundtable discussion regarding the safety of U.S. LGBT citizens during global travel. Notably, various studies indicate that U.S. LGBT travelers have an estimated $50 to $65 billion impact on the global...